SearchWorks Price List

(Pricing is excluding Value Added Tax. / E&OE)
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Search Type Price
ASingle Enquiry
Adverse News *R21.00
Adverse News Detailed *R25.00
Astute Consolidated Client PortfolioR64.50
CSingle Enquiry
CIPC CompanyR15.65
CIPC DirectorR15.65
CIPC Document - CC Copy (per page)R11.00
CIPC Document - Certified Copy (per certificate)R55.00
CIPC Document - Company Copy (per page)R17.00
Combined Company Credit (Detailed)R807.00
Combined Company Credit (Standard)R680.00
Combined Consumer Credit ReportR173.50
Combined Consumer TraceR49.00
Company AlertsFREE
Company Property HistoryR16.50
CompuScan Account Verifications *R11.35
CompuScan Company Profile DetailedR150.00
CompuScan Company Profile StandardR116.00
CompuScan Consumer Trace *R11.00
CompuScan Contact Information *R11.00
CompuScan Employment Confidence Index *R9.00
CompuScan Gross Monthly Income *R7.50
CompuScan ID Photo VerificationR28.90
Consumer AlertsR1.50
CPB Consumer TraceR24.50
CPB ID Photo VerificationR26.00
CPB Spousal VerificationR12.85
CSI Account VerificationsR14.75
CSI Company DetailsR15.50
CSI Company ReportR69.50
CSI Court Library Extension (Per Judgment)R21.65
CSI Deceased EstateR14.10
CSI Deceased Estate ReportR129.90
CSI Employer VerificationR17.20
CSI ID Book/Card HistoryR3.25
CSI ID Photo VerificationR22.90
CSI ID VerificationR4.50
CSI KYC (with ID Photo)R75.00
CSI Lineage ReportR6.00
CSI Mobile VerificationR17.25
CSI Owners in SchemeR96.75
CSI Owners in StreetR145.00
CSI Passport VerificationR4.50
CSI Person Living Standard ReportR8.15
CSI Person ReportR69.20
CSI Person Report - Address LinksR12.50
CSI Person Report - Telephone LinksR12.50
CSI Person TraceR12.80
CSI Person VerificationR8.50
CSI Proof Of ResidenceR26.30
CSI Property ExtensionR12.50
CSI Public Servant CheckR4.50
CSI Qualification VerificationR150.00
CSI Report CIPC ExtensionR15.50
CSI Section 29 Deceased Estate R150.00
CSI Spousal VerificationR12.85
CSI Tax NumberR35.00
CSI Trust Information (No Trustees)R15.00
CSI Trust Information - FoundR25.00
CSI Trust Information - Not FoundR15.00
CSI Vehicle Information by Reg Number **R150.00
CSI Vehicle Information by VIN NumberR150.00
CSI Vehicle OwnershipR60.00
CSI Vehicle Ownership VerificationR50.00
DSingle Enquiry
Database Property Search *R16.50
Deed Document CopyR110.00
Deed OCR Document 1 - 5 PagesR7.00
Deed OCR Document 6 Pages Plus (Per Page)R2.00
Deeds Office Search *R22.80
Deeds Office Search - Volume Break 1 (501 to 1000)R21.45
Deeds Office Search - Volume Break 2 (1001 to 1500)R20.55
Deeds Office Search - Volume Break 3 (1501 to 2500)R19.65
Deeds Office Search - Volume Break 4 (2501 and above)R19.25
Default Listing - CombinedR90.00
Director AlertsFREE
DOTS AlertsR229.00
DOTS Information *R22.80
ESingle Enquiry
Erf To Street ConversionR12.10
Experian Company Profile DetailedR260.00
Experian Company Profile StandardR236.50
Experian Sigma Consumer Profile *R42.90
HSingle Enquiry
HURU Criminal Record Check (Premium)R380.00
HURU Criminal Record Check (Standard)R330.00
ISingle Enquiry
IFacts Drivers License VerificationR115.00
iFacts FAIS Status and DoFAR178.00
IFacts Full Matric Certificate VerificationR302.10
IFacts Matric Certificate VerificationR216.10
IFacts Outstanding Traffic FinesR81.15
IFacts PDP VerificationR203.20
Ifacts Social Media Basic ReportR288.10
Ifacts Social Media Full ReportR457.00
Ifacts Social Media Standard ReportR320.00
IFacts Verification Of SARS Tax CertificateR135.50
Interactive Map SearchR9.20
JSingle Enquiry
Judgement CopyR34.00
Judgement Enquiry - Found (Per Judgment) *R21.65
LSingle Enquiry
Letter Of Demand (Email)R75.00
Letter Of Demand (Post)R110.00
LightStone Business StandardR105.35
LightStone Erf ValuationR155.00
LightStone Erf Valuation ShortR117.00
LightStone Estate ReportR117.00
LightStone Farm ValuationR155.00
LightStone Farm Valuation ShortR117.00
LightStone Owners In EstateR155.00
LightStone Owners In SchemeR155.00
LightStone Scheme ReportR117.00
LightStone Scheme ValuationR155.00
LightStone Scheme Valuation ShortR117.00
LightStone Suburb ReportR117.00
MSingle Enquiry
MIE Drivers License CheckR105.20
MIE Professional Drivers LicenseR105.20
MIE Qualification CheckR105.20
MIE Qualification Check (Int.)R680.00
PSingle Enquiry
PEP and Sanctions CheckR25.00
Person Property HistoryR16.50
Property AlertsR1.25
Property Coordinate SearchR11.00
SSingle Enquiry
SAPS Firearm CompetencyR325.00
SARS VAT VerificationR17.50
Scheme To Street ConversionR12.10
SG Diagram (Per Page)R8.00
SMS NotificationR1.20
SMS Notification - Volume Break 1 (101 to 250)R1.15
SMS Notification - Volume Break 2 (251 to 500)R1.05
SMS Notification - Volume Break 3 (501 and above)R0.95
Street To Erf ConversionR12.10
TSingle Enquiry
Transfer Report (Per Line)R16.65
TransUnion Auto Report *R40.00
TransUnion Bank Codes *R189.50
TransUnion Company Profile *R272.00
TransUnion Company Profile - Bank On File *R49.70
TransUnion Company Profile - Business Deeds *R115.60
TransUnion Company Profile - Enquiry History *R147.25
TransUnion Company Profile - Principal Detail *R49.70
TransUnion Company Profile - Principal Links *R206.40
TransUnion Company Profile - Statutory Detail On File *R57.90
TransUnion Company Profile - Subject Defaults *R168.25
TransUnion Company Profile - Trade On File *R180.60
TransUnion Consumer Profile *R56.95
TransUnion Consumer Profile PP *R59.95
TransUnion Consumer Trace *R18.55
TransUnion Contact Information *R14.30
TransUnion ID Photo VerificationR24.13
TransUnion ID Verification *R22.75
TransUnion Vehicle Valuation *R19.35
Trust Property HistoryR25.70
VSingle Enquiry
Vehicle Ownership CheckR169.85
Vehicle Ownership Check CancelledR56.71
VeriCred Account VerificationR14.00
VeriCred Consumer ProfileR33.85
VeriCred Contact InformationR8.05
VeriCred ID Photo VerificationR24.94
VeriCred ID VerificationR4.40
VeriCred Income EstimatorR6.35
VeriCred SAFPS Fraud VerificationR24.15
XSingle Enquiry
XDS Account Verification (Real-time)R14.20
XDS Account VerificationsR11.50
XDS Business Report - DetailedR129.00
XDS Business Report - StandardR63.45
XDS Consumer ID VerificationR12.15
XDS Consumer Linkage DetectorR22.95
XDS Consumer Profile *R40.60
XDS Consumer TraceR15.15
XDS Consumer Trace Report - Volume Break 1 (101 to 250)R14.65
XDS Consumer Trace Report - Volume Break 2 (251 and above)R13.70
XDS Contact InformationR12.15
XDS ID Photo VerificationR24.20

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